I have medium to thank for my journey as a poet!

Ranting Goddess
2 min readJan 21, 2023

It really is changing my life. It has made me find my voice again, especially through poetry.

From, as far as I can remember I was writing poetry. In the attic, I have a book that I used to stick all my favourite things in. Bits of art, photographs, and poems. I have one of my first poems written at about seven which I can remember was about a clock. ‘Tick Tock, tick clock went my clock. Tick Tock tick tock went the click of the clock………………..

It had that metered rhythm, the pattern of accented and unaccented syllables. I am not saying I was a child prodigy, no far from it but I seem to understand it needed a rhythm that I really enjoy exploring today.

Anyway, the poems Eagles Eye View, The forgotten Bridge, The storm, and many others I am working on would not have been written if I had not joined medium. Then it got me thinking why?

Why didn’t I just sit down and write?

My reasoning is that I needed a catalyst to get me back to writing, what I enjoy doing most!

But then why medium?

I have been thinking about this for a few days now and I think the biggest difference is when you are writing it can be very solitary. There is no voice speaking to you besides your own. Just nothing, well that has been my…



Ranting Goddess

Definitely like a rant and chant but not a goddess just in my dreams. Take me as I am. No airs or graces with me. Yorkshire Poet, Acting coach, Director.