Ranting Goddess
1 min readApr 19, 2023


If Only

A poem

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

If only you can wave a magic wand and make it happen
Wouldn’t it be good?
If our babies could count to ten
An athlete could win a gold
A lonely person makes a friend
If only a man could reach Everest as easy as a plane took to the sky
All the folk in the world could read and write
Everyone could live forever
Don’t forget about the poor beggar in need of food and warmth.
Hold his hand and lead him off the streets
Feed him and give a home and shelter

But one day
Our babies will count to ten
An athlete will win a gold
A lonely person will make a friend
The man will reach Everest
Everybody can read and write
Live in eternity
And what about the beggar? Hold his hand lead him off the streets
Feed him and give him shelter forever

It would be the perfect world

It’s all possible
What’s stopping us?

But only if!

By A.E Lee



Ranting Goddess

Definitely like a rant and chant but not a goddess just in my dreams. Take me as I am. No airs or graces with me. Yorkshire Poet, Acting coach, Director.