Member-only story
Bed and Coddled Egg Scene 1
Scene 1
By Alyson Connew ©2020
I am a sucker for a good love story so I wrote this a few years ago. I had in mind to film but put it on hold for other projects. This is Scene 1. When I got married my mother-in-law gave me four china-coddled egg cups. You crack an egg into them and put in what you fancy ie chopped-up ham, tomatoes cheese etc. It’s like an omelette in an egg cup. They are a lovely little treat. So I wrote a script with them in mind. One of the medium writers recently wanted to know how to format a script. There are some great software packages out there but I have used one that has been around for years called Celtx. I used the free version so no “bells and whistles” for the script below. There is also a professional version which is £19.99 a month. Anyway hope this helps and inspires any future scriptwriters out there.
Alyson Connew ©2023
Scene 2 to Follow